Lunch With The Lord

When Father Jim Willig was assigned to the cathedral, he began a lunch time speaker series called Lunch with the Lord. It started with him giving a talk on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. We have continued that tradition to this day. For years, Father Mark Burger and a group of musicians gave a preview of the upcoming liturgy, minus the Holy Eucharist. Father Mark’s schedule no longer allows for him to be with us. In his absence, we have accomodated our speakers to present on any topic having to do with our Faith.

We have the speaker series three times a year – Advent, Lent and a series over the summer. The talks are given once a week just after the 11:30am Weekday Mass. They are held in Synod Hall and drinks are available for a donation. Folks are encouraged to bring a lunch and a friend and have Lunch with the Lord!

The speaker series is free of charge, however, parking at that time of the day is not. Please find the Parking Company of America kiosk in our main lot or one of the City of Cincinnati kiosks on the street.

Please contact the Parish Office, 513.263.3374 or [email protected], if you would like to be added to our postal mailing and/or our email list so you can receive notifications of our upcoming talks.


Mar 20 2024


12:00 pm


Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains
325 W 8th St Cincinnati, OH 45202